Industry News / 12.03.2021

[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern" z_index=""][vc_column][vc_video link=""][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]Veli Ngubane, Co-Founder & Chief Creative Officer at Avatar Agency on transformation, passion and secret ingredients. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]...

Industry News / 11.03.2021

Hope goes a long way The Avatar Agency Group is taking a bite of KFC after the group has been awarded the Add Hope account. The account will be serviced by Avatar Public Relations. Avatar will provide internal communications and through-the-line services for Add Hope, a movement that brings together staff, big business, ordinary citizens and civil society to address childhood hunger. Suhayl Limbada, Marketing Director at KFC South Africa, described the agency’s proposal as “innovative with a bold strategic direction.” “Add Hope continues to feed more than 150 000 children per day. In 2021, as KFC celebrates its 50th year in South Africa, we want to...

Uncategorized / 22.02.2021

Although the incident that put the Black Lives Matter movement back in the headlines is one based in the U.S., the concept of racial inequality is something that is widely understood across the world, and especially in Africa. The colonial history of our nations can unfortunately still be felt and seen in everyday life, and even in some advertising. What movements like these remind all of us to do is to commit to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) as part of the fabric of how our businesses and teams operate. We know that marketing has the power to both break or...

Uncategorized / 01.12.2020

The IAB South Africa is thrilled to announce the names of the newly-elected members of the Transformation Council. Under the leadership of the inimitable Veli Ngubane, founding partner and chief creative officer of the Avatar Agency Group, the IAB SA Transformation Council consists of 14 dynamic individuals who will work together with fellow industry bodies and partners to champion diversity and inclusivity in the industry with the aim of facilitating lasting change that empowers Black digital media and marketing professionals. Leading by example, this iteration of the council comprises over 50% female and almost 100% diversified members. Members will serve for two...

Industry News / 30.11.2020

by Lufuno Makungo (@LMwonder) While I cringe at the title of this article, it’s a fair question. It’s like asking if there’s a viable market for Chinese advertising agencies in China. But the question is relevant here, given our political history and the current economic structure. The most-transformed sector in the county is the public sector, simply because we have the political power. Broad and interlinked, not narrow In talking transformation, we often narrow it down to only one thing — when the issues are broad and interlinked. In advertising, lack of transformation refers to the white-dominated industry but we fail to breakdown...