Questionable ESD Programmes

Enterprise and Supplier Development Programmes are supposed to empower smaller suppliers to ensure that they grow into bigger and more formidable suppliers. 

It’s a combination of Preferential Procurement, Supplier Diversity, Supplier Development, and Enterprise Development programs to service business needs. … Supplier Diversity is the proactive business process of sourcing products and services from previously under-used suppliers.

The ED and SD Beneficiaries must meet the following criteria: The beneficiary is required to be at least 51% black-owned. The beneficiary must be an Exempt Micro Enterprise (EME) (Turnover under R10 million) or a Qualifying Small Enterprise (QSE) (Turnover less than R50 million), subject to the specific Sector Code.

Some big corporations outsource this process to companies such as RaizCorp and Aurik. They actually pay them to run with the process. However, I’ve recently been made aware that Raizcorp ESD programme actually charges entrepreneurs to “help them”. This is not any different from selling jobs.

Below is a screenshot of their “sales brochure”

When asked about RaizCorp, this was their response;

“The R460 for the assessment is for an external psychometrist who would be assessing your developmental areas both in your personal and business space so that if you are to enter the programme, we are able to focus on the areas where you really need assistance.

We also share the results with you for your own records so you are able to see where your key focus areas are and what developmental recommendations are made.

There is a lot of deemed value. Maybe have a look at our YouTube page and see some of our work below: Raizcorp – YouTube

For more information on RaizCorp click on the Link

Looking to apply for the programme? There’s a couple of steps to take into consideration. Click on the Link for more information.

This does not smell right? You’re welcome to have a look at



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